Saturday, 19 November 2011

{Product Focus} Babys First Calender - A Handy Gift To Give!

We are always on the look out for new products, interesting ideas and things that will plain and simple, make life as a parent easier!  Which is why, when we were contacted about stocking Babys First Calender, we were initially intrigued as to what made it different. 

Looks good, but what else?
I felt like we couldn't sell something we hadn't tried out.  So, having a tiny baby myself, I took it upon myself to look into it further!  On taking it out the box, it looks like a wall chart, which isn't a bad thing!  I do like a bit of organisation, but in my baby's room?  I'll be honest, I wasn't sure.  However, I was impressed with the tag line, "Special Days, Safer Nights", anything that gave me even the tiniest piece of mind would help and The Baby's First Calendar has a thermometer attached, which wasn't going to slip behind a chest of drawers or get lost within a week of me moving it from room to room (I had a little thing about temperatures when both my children were born as the weather was so warm when they arrived!).

Peace of mind if nothing else!
The other thing that I liked about it, is that, once it was up on the wall, I wasn't going to forget about it!!  Call me a bad parent, but I started baby books with the best of intentions, recording their arrival religiously, when they first slept through the night etc. etc.  However, by about six months, maybe due to sleep depriavtion and sheer exhaustion, I'd kind of forgotten to record stuff *hangs head in shame*.

However, Baby Calendar, with its handy milestone stickers (including first tooth, first smile, first laugh, first shoes) that you use with the calendar, it was an easy way to remember to record things and always on hand because it was on the wall!  Perfect!  If only I'd known about this when I had my first, I might have a more comprehensive record of her first year (sorry Maddy!).

And last but not least, its different!  Definitely a unique present for someone expecting.  Makes a change from socks and baby grows, which are useful, but usually given in abundance.

We hope you agree and if you've bought Babys First Calendar from us, we'd love to hear what you think!


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

{Top Tip Tuesday} Toddler Tantrums

We come across so much "baby info" during the course of the day, we thought we'd put it together and share this info, in what will now be known as Top Tip Tuesday!

Today, a subject close to our hearts here at LTBS HQ - Toddler Tantrums.  We have two toddlers between us, so understanding and being able to deal with toddler tantrums is something we are VERY interested in. 

Every parent dreads the day their seemingly placid, smiling baby, will throw the mother-and-father-of-all tantrum.  It usually happens in a busy supermarket or packed out restaurant. 

Here are some useful tips in dealing with the dreaded, but inevitable, toddler tantrums.

1. Try To Work Out Why - A big part of why a toddler is having a tantrum in the first place, could be out of sheer frustration.  They are no longer a baby, but neither are they able to communicate well enough, their wants and needs.  Try to figure out why your toddler is having a tantrum - is she tired?  Is she hungry?  Is she bored?  You can then work on avoiding this in the future.

2. Choices, Choices - Try giving your toddler choices where possible - i.e. playing inside or outside, watching tv or looking at a book.  This can help give your toddler the little bit of  independence they long for!

"Forget the tantrums, Im trying to make a quick escape"

3. Distract - Distraction is as good a technique as any!  If you feel your toddler is on the verge of a meltdown i.e. if another child has taken a toy from them, try distracting them with something else - a "better" toy or a cuddle from mummy usually does the trick.

4. Ignore it! - Remember, ALL parents have been through it.  No one will mind your little one having a tantrum, infact, for most it will bring back memories of their own!  As long as your little one is safe i.e. strapped into a buggy, try ignoring their shouts and tantrums.  You may find it dies down as quickly as it started!

We hope you've found those helpful.  Feel free to share your top tips for dealing with tantrums!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Back From Holiday!

And what a holiday it was!  Was a bit dubious about taking the little ones to Turkey for ten days.  It was littlest ones first time abroad and my five year olds first holiday she could remember so we were determined to make it a good one. 

I will admit, it was stressful in parts but a lovely time was had by all and we were sad to leave.  I wont bore you with reams of holiday photos, but here's a few just to show us having a good time!

The weather was fab, the girls had an amazing time and as you can see, the food was exotic! 

Got lots to do here at LTBS HQ now that we're back, including adding more to our sale section, some improvements to the site and some lovely winter stuff!

Now that the dark nights are here, all I can think about is wooly jumpers and ugg boots!  Keep an eye on the site for lots of lovely stuff for your little one this winter.